With numerous studies addressing even the narrowest topics, applying the latest research in clinic can be daunting. LiquidText can help shrink that gap by giving you a faster, simpler way to integrate the essential elements of different research papers and consider them together, without losing their original contexts.
LiquidText is designed to help you see more connections in the literature, and develop conclusions faster.
Saving lives with help from LiquidText
Eric Goldberg, MD, FACP, Clinical Ass’t Prof., Internal Medicine Associates, NYU Langone Med. Center
Eric is a clinical ass’t professor and practicing physician. He uses LiquidText to review the latest research papers so he can apply the findings and recommendations in-clinic with his patients. A single medical topic can have numerous relevant articles and and web sources, each with their own findings and recommendations. This used to mean multiple apps, notebooks and physical paper printouts.
LiquidText lets Eric change that. LiquidText combines a document view with a workspace, letting Eric bring all his research together into one place, but without losing the original document context. It even lets him make connections across documents.
“I feel much more engaged in reading a document in LiquidText than I ever did with any other PDF reader or even actual paper!”
Medical and Life Sciences user survey
LiquidText surveys both its quality and usefulness. The results below were collected
from LiquidText users in Medical, Health Care and Life Sciences